Counseling for Depression
Depressive symptoms are quite commonplace in today's world. Teens and the elderly are particularly susceptible to depression, as are women who have recently given birth; but depression can be experienced by anyone.
Signs that Depress Treatment Is Needed
You're irritable, tired, and overwhelmed. Some days the tears just flow for no good reason. You feel as if a dark cloud follows you. Concentration is difficult and you have negative thoughts pop up about yourself.

Retired Men Are Susceptible to Depression
You dedicated your life to your job and your family. Since retiring from your job, you haven't felt yourself. The days are long and meaningless. You lack energy, you don't eat much. Sometimes you need a drink to get through the day. Thoughts of self-harm have begun to creep in.
When Your Teen Needs Depression Counseling
You're worried about your child. She's moody. She isolates in her bedroom. She has new friends you don't know. What brought this on, you couldn't say. She won't talk to you.

You can feel confident and energetic again.
You can enjoy life again. Learning to see the world differently can help. Changing how you respond to the world can help. Soon, you'll recognize the ability you have to deal with suffering better.

"Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it.”
---St. Francis de Sales
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We do NOT offer emergency services. If this is an emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room.